Over the summer leading into my Senior year of college, I was given the opportunity to intern for Decision Innovation Solutions, an economic research and analysis firm that specializes in Agribusiness. Majoring in Agricultural Communications made this a great fit for me, because not only does DIS work within the agribusiness world, but it also broadened my knowledge of data analysis and the economic impact of the agricultural industry.

Going into my first day I wasn’t sure what to expect or what they would have me doing. I knew that my main job was to post on blogs and run their social media channels, but I wasn’t sure what that really meant for an analytics firm such as this one.

Over the last three months, I have spent my time working on a different project nearly every week. I have learned the importance of saving documents 100x a day. I found that it was the little projects like creating marketing lists that I got the most out of. Because I got to focus on the “small things” that make all of the other big things possible.

I learned more than just how to market small companies, but also how to work in a new environment. I have previously worked in many environments but nothing quite like this. The vibe is still almost like the calm before the storm except the storm is a good thing. The storm is the excitement after they have completed their projects,or received recognition for their work.

I would like to thank Decision Innovation Solutions for the opportunity to be their marketing-communications intern throughout this summer, and I look forward to using all the tools that the DIS team has given me as I start my next chapter in my career. Big things are happening with this company and I am so grateful I was a small part of that. I cannot wait to see where the future takes them and myself!