This week DIS is welcoming Aaron Gerdts to the team as a research analysist. As a research analyst Aaron is responsible for helping to develop, manage, and analyze data and solutions to assist clients in making informed and strategic business decisions. He is responsible for writing reports and articles, performing economic impact, contribution analysis, and maintaining agricultural trade and agricultural production data.
Aaron's love for agriculture was formed at a young age as he grew up on a family farm near St. Ansgar Iowa. His family farmed corn and soybeans as well as raised cattle. Aaron also milked cows at a nearby dairy farm which helped to grow his interest in the dairy industry.
He received a B.S. in Dairy Science and Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University. His graduate research examined the effectiveness of generic advertising undertaken by agricultural check-off programs, specifically, the almond check-off program.
After completing his MS degree, he worked for the Iowa Legislative Services Agency as a Fiscal Analyst.  In this position, his primary responsibility was to estimate the fiscal cost of legislation proposed by the Iowa General Assembly.  Other duties included staffing the Agriculture and Natural Resources Budget Subcommittee and researching topics of interest for legislators and caucus staff related to agriculture and natural resources.  
We believe that Aarons strong agricultural background as well as his education and prior work experience will make him a strong asset to the team. We at DIS are very excited to welcome Aaron and can’t wait to see how he benefits DIS!