I was browsing through my seemingly endless stream of alerts and newsletters a few days ago and noticed a blog about the USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP).  This program is part of the Farm Bill and it provides grants and loan guarantees for farms and rural businesses to improve or add energy saving systems.

It brought back memories of various opportunities I have had to work with REAP applicants in the past. In almost every case I was a member of a team assembled by the applicant.  My role was typically to provide the feasibility study that is required on many REAP applications.  But in every project it didn’t take long before everyone was less focused on their specific responsibility and more focused on the whole application.

REAP has been around since the 2002 Farm Bill was passed.  Having been involved in both successful and unsuccessful applications, I am confident the approval process makes sure the available funds are awarded to deserving projects that are likely to succeed. 

Figure 1-Projects Funded in Rural Energy for America Program, Nov. 2010 to Apr. 2015REAP

The state USDA Rural Development offices are accepting applications now.  As you can see in Figure 1, there are a wide variety of eligible uses of funds.  If you would like to explore your eligibility for a REAP Grant or loan guarantee, you can contact our office at 515-257-6077 or by going to the following webpage:
