It’s crazy to me to think that I have already been at DIS for a little over a year now! You know what they say, time goes by when you’re having fun.  

A little background about me: I grew up on a family farm in Madrid, Iowa. We own horses, cows, goats, donkeys, cats, and dogs. As well as raising animals, farming has always played a big role in my life. We are so blessed to be able to plant hundreds of acres in Central Iowa every year. Growing up on a farm has impacted me in many ways. It has taught me to be extremely hard-working and responsible as well as influencing me to continue my education in agriculture.  

I graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University in December of 2022 with a degree in Agriculture Business. During my time in Oklahoma, I was an active member of the rodeo team competing in barrel racing and goat tying. I was also a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and National Honor Society. Following graduation, I am attending Iowa Central Community College to pursue a degree in accounting as well as continuing to compete collegiately in rodeo. In addition to college rodeo, I am also competing at the pro level which allows me to travel across the country to competitions. 

During this past year at DIS I have learned so much and been taught by many great mentors. My duties as the marketing and communications specialist include implementing our social media strategy and managing our DIS blog and web content to ensure timely, responsive communication with our clients. I have had the opportunity to use my design background on many projects such as making updates to the website and creating project summaries for the completed projects. I have also created many infographics for projects as well as promotional materials for DIS. One of my favorite projects was creating a design for our 15-year anniversary. I am extremely proud of how the design turned out, and I get to see it on my mousepad every day! I have also been responsible for compiling and distributing our monthly E-newsletter and blogs. Not only has this has been a fun learning experience for me but I play a very important role in allowing our readers to stay up to date with current projects. 

I have gained so much knowledge and experience, from Excel to web design and social media. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity DIS has given me and I can’t wait to see how much I continue to learn and grow. 

15 year anniversary mousepad