With the upcoming close of a successful 2018, we recognize that we are undoubtedly blessed as we prepare to look back at the many great things that happened here at Decision Innovation Solutions this past year. To name a few, we have been able to take on exciting, new projects in the animal feeding business, conduct continued Iowa water quality analysis, work to develop a better understanding of value-chain logistics of Missouri crop agriculture, and assess the impact of several agriculture-related businesses in Alabama. We continue to author articles for Iowa State University’s Renewable Fuels Report and receive requests from commodity and trade associations to quantify the value of a membership, patterned after work done in Ohio. We are also looking forward to completing a new project with ISU for the feed industry in 2019-2020.
While we do have many great business opportunities to be grateful for in 2018, we are most grateful for the relationships we’ve developed, and are developing, during the 11+ years we’ve been in business. Without meaningful, enduring relationships, businesses like ours would cease to exist. One such relationship we are especially grateful for this year is for that of Sterling Liddell, who unfortunately passed in July. The beginnings of DIS can be traced to discussions in his office at Iowa Farm Bureau, which naturally led to more ideas and eventually our first long-term contract. For this, the DIS team and board are grateful.

As you wrap up your 2018 and open a shiny, new 2019, let’s look forward to strengthening current relationships and building new ones – great things are in store for the new year!