
Last month I mentioned that we had recently passed the 15th anniversary of the commencement of business here at Decision Innovation Solutions.  

Well, with a fresh batch of team pictures taken, year-end festivities concluded for another 11 months, gratefulness for strong 2022 and a strong desire to “ease” into the new year we have settled on January 27, 2023, from 3-6 PM for a celebratory open house. This open house will be here at our home office at 11107 Aurora Ave in Urbandale, Iowa. 

15 year invite

To show our appreciation for the challenges, accomplishments and experiences of the last 15 years, we intend to have refreshments, giveaways and, perhaps more importantly, many great conversations. Don’t check your calendar – CLEAR your calendar! 

While we would greatly enjoy having all our prior, current and prospective friends and clients attend we do know that making the trip from a great distance for some will not be possible. To those who are not able to attend, perhaps this year we can make other arrangements to connect in a more personal way this year. 

Team pic

Top row (Left to right): David Miller, Cindy Harwood, Kade Grafel and Jing Tang.

Bottom row (Left to right); Patricia Batres- Marquez, Spencer Parkinson, Mary Thomas and Aaron Gerdts. 

With warmest regards and best wishes for a phenomenal 2023, 
