Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS) has enjoyed its working relationships with numerous state and national commodity organizations.  These associations play an important role in advocating for the producers and value-added processors who grow and add value to their commodity. 

The Missouri Soybean Merchandising Council and Missouri Soybean Association provide an excellent example of the important work it undertakes to promote the soybean industry. Over the years, our DIS team has had the opportunity to work with Gary Wheeler, Executive Director; Tony Stafford, Director of Business Development & New Markets; Matt Amick, Director of Biofuels & New Uses, and most recently; Casey Wasser, Chief Operating Officer and Senior Policy Director. Gary Wheeler and his staff are very effective advocates for the production, processing, and transportation of soybeans within the state of Missouri.   

Our first opportunity to work with Missouri Soybean was connected to the 2016 Missouri Agriculture & Forestry Economic Contribution Study.  This study showed the economic contributions of all agriculture & forestry-related industries, was supported by Missouri commodity organizations, and funded by the Missouri Agriculture and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA). 

Once the initial study was completed, the Missouri Soybean team sought a deeper dive into the soybean industry based on the recently completed study, and thus began our great working relationship.

In 2018, the Missouri Soybean team and the DIS team discussed the concept of a Commodity Flow & Infrastructure study for the state of Missouri.  Other commodity groups were contacted to gain their support for the study.  The study covered all of Missouri and included the flow of commodities and value-added products within the state, as well as the intrastate movement of commodities and value-added products. Project work began late in 2018 and was completed in January of 2020.  This project was the first of its kind for DIS, which led to the in-house development of a methodology we now call “Dynamic Commodity Flow Analysis.”   

Shortly after completing the commodity flow study, the DIS team was contacted by Missouri Soybean regarding the growing interest within the state to mandate higher blends of biodiesel in the state.  As a result of those discussions, the DIS team conducted a study named “Increased Biodiesel Use in Missouri,” sponsored by their partners at the Biodiesel Coalition of Missouri. 

Our latest opportunity of working with the great team at Missouri Soybean is in connection with the 2021 Agriculture & Forestry Economic Contribution study – an update of the 2016 study.  This new study is again supported by commodity groups, the Missouri Department of Agriculture, and the Missouri Farm Bureau, and funded through MASBDA. The DIS team is currently working on this project to have the data available for the upcoming Governor’s Conference on Agriculture in November of this year. 

 We value our relationship with the Missouri Soybean team and all the other businesses, associations, government agencies, and individuals we have had the opportunity of working with over the years.  We look forward to continued work with our valued partners, and more especially the opportunity to do what we not only love but excel at: Telling the story of agriculture.