Our last newsletter was published on the 6th of December in 2021. During that time our team at DIS has been extremely busy and, due to staffing challenges, we have been working without marketing support. While we certainly have enjoyed working with both repeat clients and new ones, we know it is important to stay in touch with our friends and business partners.

Fortunately, we have recently brought Alexandria Jacobs on board as our Marketing Intern. Alexandria will be introducing herself in the newsletter. While Alexandria will be returning to college this fall, she will continue to work with our team in managing the Decision Innovation Solutions social media presence.

Update on DIS Projects

For the rest of this article, I would like to share with you some of the projects we have completed since that last newsletter. I will list the projects and give you a brief summary along with a link to view more about each project.

2021 Economic Contribution Study of South Dakota Agriculture, Ethanol and Forestry 


South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ag United for South Dakota, South Dakota Corn Utilization Council, South Dakota Diary Producers, Central Plains Dairy Foundation, and East River Electric.


This contribution study estimated the economic contributions to the state South Dakota from Agriculture, Ethanol and Forestry in 2021. DIS originally completed a similar study in 2014 and an update for 2019. The study provides information at the county and state level, which is used by advocacy organizations, news agencies, government agencies and more. View More

2021 Economic Contribution Study of Missouri Agriculture and Forestry


Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA) a division of the Missouri State Department of Agriculture.


DIS originally completed an economic contribution study for the state of Missouri in 2016. This study included data compiled at the county, congressional district, and state level. View More

Missouri River Utilization Study


The Soybean Transportation Coalition


DIS worked with one of our sub-contractors, Bujanda & Allen to evaluate the actual (recent history) and potential performance of the Missouri River as a supply chain option for soybean farmers. Also, this study helped to identify potential infrastructure that could enhance the river as a supply chain alternative. One of the tools used in this study was the Dynamic Commodity Flow Analysis methodology developed in 2019 on a project for the state of Missouri. The client has not published this study.

Agribusiness Commodity Flow Study


Kansas Department of Agriculture


This study was commissioned by the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) based on their review of a similar study completed for the state of Missouri in 2019. While similar methodology was used, the KDA study included at least 14 commodities compared to the 4 commodities evaluated in the Missouri study. The interstate and intrastate moving of these commodities was modeled for all levels of the food chain from production to end use. This report has no been published by the client.

These are just some of the projects recently completed. We are currently working on or have recently completed projects for the Clean Fuels Alliance America (used to be National Biodiesel Board), International Poultry Council, City of Newton, IA, City of Ames, IA, United Soybean Board, U.S. Wheat Associates and the National Pork Board.

In the past we have included blogs posted by our staff and we plan to continue that practice in our next newsletter. In the meantime, you can check out our website and if you have any business opportunities or challenges you would like to discuss with us please contact me at: merlin@decision-innovation.com