What can happen in ten years? Well, from personal experience, a family can move to Iowa from a place that has things called mountains with one child and have five by the time the decade’s up. They could visit the Iowa State Fair ten, faithful times and come to respect the power of thunderstorms and the amount of water that can come from the sky. They could also learn that fireflies are indeed real and that agriculture is awesome everywhere.

And, a person could also come to appreciate the challenging, yet rewarding experiences of being encouraged to start a business in 2007, being laid off and then “making a go” of it. Making a go of it in Sterling Liddell and I’s case has meant going from a very part-time business to one that now employs eight dedicated members of our team – all in the space of just ten years. We have clients that have been with us from the start (Iowa Farm Bureau and Feed Energy Company) and ones we’ve just begun our partnership with. Whether a legacy client or newcomer, one thing they all have in common is they’re great to work with. We sincerely appreciate our clients’ loyalty and the trust they’ve placed in the DIS team.

We consider ourselves extremely blessed and are very grateful to be able to have a decade under our belt here at Decision Innovation Solutions. To celebrate our ten years in business, we are throwing a party (food, prizes, etc.) on Friday, September 22 from 3-6 PM at our new(er) office at 11107 Aurora Ave in Urbandale, Iowa. Who knows, maybe even some Iowa black walnut DIS memorabilia will show up…

As you make the decision to come, don’t check your schedule, clear your schedule! We hope to see you there!

DIS team