Hello. I wanted to take a few minutes to give an update on the company this month. As we’re all aware, things are not “normal” at the moment. The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting essentially all areas of our personal and professional lives. “Social distancing”, a term never heard in all my (increasing!) years, may end up being the “phrase of the year” before this challenge is put in the rear view.  

As many of our newsletter readers likely know, much of the work we do can be completed with little in-person contact. Furthermore, as a general rule, the vast majority of the work we do here at DIS is in an online collaboration environment (SharePoint) that allows our team to work (independently or together) anywhere an internet connection is available, although bandwidth is a bit narrower with everyone using it more.  

As of now, we (thankfully!) do not have anyone on the DIS team directly impacted (officially sick or quarantined) by the COVID-19 virus. Out of precaution, about 3/4 of our team is currently working remotely in the central Iowa area. The balance of the team also has the option of doing so. While we do not expect an interruption in our work with our current and prospective clients, we will very proactively reach out to those we’ve made commitments to should conditions deteriorate to a point where our ability to complete the work as agreed comes into question. 

We’re all in this together and we WILL make it through it, perhaps with a stronger focus and resolve to accomplish and appreciate what truly is important. Please reach out with any questions or concerns – as always, we're happy to talk! 

Spence Parkinson