According to the most recent data (May 27th, 2018) from the USDA and the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) the national corn percentages by state show Missouri and Illinois as having the highest percent of corn planted in the United States with both states having all 100% of their corn crop planted. Iowa currently has 96% planted. The northern and eastern states have increased their percentages substantially with Colorado having the lowest percent for the northern states with 85% of their corn crop planted and Pennsylvania having the lowest for the eastern states with 59% of their corn crop planted.

Louisiana has the highest percent of soybeans planted with 96%, and the lowest percent planted with Michigan with 45% of their soybeans planted. Texas has had all 100% of their oat crop planted since before the start of April. Finally, North Dakota currently has the lowest amount of oats planted with 86% of their oats planted.