DIS 15-yr Anniversary 

15 year!


In a recent post about delivering a project in Bordeaux, France, I mentioned (almost in passing) that we were celebrating our 15th year in business this year. It seems just yesterday we were celebrating our 10th year in business, so it seemed a bit premature to celebrate 15 years. So, I kept setting the thought aside, thinking later would be just fine. We did, after all, have more to do that we have time for.

Well, the official date of the anniversary was this past Saturday, December 3, 2022. This is when Sterling Liddell and I accepted the risk of starting a business (encouraged in large part by Dave Miller, our mutual boss at Iowa Farm Bureau) and each took $50 to the local bank and opened a checking account. Now what, we thought? “I know”, one of us said, “we need a cell phone so we can answer all those phone calls we’re bound to get.” So that, along with visiting with a trusted friend who helped us set the business up legally, is exactly what we did.

Wouldn’t it be great if only setting up a meager business checking account and starting a basic phone plan were all it took to see work start to pour in? That certainly was not the case. Sterling and I spent some late nights, a few Saturdays and quite a bit of time wondering if it would actually work. We’d soon have our answer.

In late Spring 2009, I received an unexpected email that guided me to the “wrong” room where I found out I was without a job…but was needed for a few more months, which I was tremendously grateful for. This provided just the glide path to smooth sailing, right? Initially yes, and, thanks to two more good friends, had a cash infusion that helped keep the wolves away for about eight months. Eventually, though, they came prowling again, causing me to keep half an eye/ear open for a “job” while I did everything possible to keep the business afloat. By the grace of God (quite literally, I believe), a series of events took place that allowed things to stabilize past the “you almost had enough cash” note (see below) from the accountant during the depths of my concerns to where we are today.

15 year statement

I am not blind to the fact that the business wouldn’t be where it is in 2022 without amazing people I work with, place trust in and clients we seek to do our best to serve. To properly celebrate these 15 years of (mostly!) success, show appreciation to our incredible clients and share our thoughts for how we would like to see the next 15+ years go, we are now making plans to have an open house here at our office in Urbandale, Iowa. While the event will be in early 2023, we are not yet certain but will know very soon. Please watch your inbox for the date and time in the near future!

With warmest regards,
