U.S. Agricultural Trade with China

Supported by economic growth, increasing household income, constrained farmland area, and a diversified diet that includes more animal protein, dairy products, and other consumer oriented products, China agricultural imports expanded since the beginning of the last decade.

Getting to Know Decision Innovation Solutions

The Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS) slogan is, “Bridging Your Information Research Needs”. What does this mean? There is a common business term, “innovate or die”. At DIS we understand this. Back in 2007, Spence Parkinson started the company with his partner Sterling Liddell, a co-worker at Iowa Farm Bureau.

Can You Trust Economic Contribution Studies?

I have a Google alert set for Economic Contribution and another for Economic Impact. This gives me a great overview of the plethora of studies commissioned by clubs, resorts, businesses, counties, states and non-profits all seeking to justify their contribution to society.

Brazil Political Crisis takes Soybean with it

Brazil's government scandal brought its currency, the Real, down approximately 7 percent within the last 24 hours. This large drop in the Brazil's currency has made U.S. soybean uncompetitive and less attractive in the international soybean market.

Neonicotinoids and Their Relationship to Iowa Honeybee Colony Success

You don't need to be an Iowa native to know our land is draped with millions of acres of crops. Roughly 30 million acres in Iowa are allocated for crop production. Being one of the top corn producers in the nation has many positive effects on our economy. In order to maintain successful production, we rely on the help of pollinators like honeybees.

AGRI-TOURISM: Data Insight

A year ago I found a farm that was participating in a worldwide cooperative organic farming program. I worked and stayed on the farm for nearly a week where I would assist on all the farm activities, managing irrigation, manure application, as well as watering and feeding animals. In return, the farm provided a place to stay and farm fresh food to eat, all provided free of charge (other than my labor).

Bringing the Sea to Iowa

This time of the year the fields in Iowa begin to turn into seas of green corn and soybeans. In the last few years some Iowans, in the familiar pioneer spirit have begun bringing the sea to consumers in Iowa and surrounding states. Aquaculture appears to be a growing endeavor in Iowa and neighboring states.

U.S. Broilers and Turkeys: Recent Data and Outlook

The U.S. is the number one broiler producer in the world followed by Brazil, China, and the European Union (EU). In 2016, U.S. production of broiler meat was up 1.6% to 18.262 million metric tons ready-to-cook equivalent (MT RTC) compared with 2015 (17.971 million MT RTC) reaching a new record high.

Ethanol Leads Credit Generation for California Low Carbon Fuel Standard

The Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is a regulatory framework adopted by California to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the state. The program encourages the use and production of a variety of low-carbon and renewable alternatives such ethanol, biodiesel and renewable diesel, which contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and replace higher carbon petroleum-based fuels.

Time series data analysis: A case of nitrate concentration in the Raccoon River in Iowa (1980-2016)

The water quality trend is correlated with many factors, such as weather conditions, land use, and government policy. In this article, we examined nitrate concentration levels (mg/l) in the Raccoon River in Iowa from 1980 to 2015. We wanted to find out the trend in nitrate concentration in the river and the factors driving the variation of nitrate concentrations. Recent water quality literature pointed out precipitation, baseflow, and soybean cultivation have a strong influence on nitrate concen