June Hog & Pig Report – An Update on the Hog Situation

There is likely to be some slaughter backlog yet in July 2020, but much of that backlog should be worked through by Labor Day. The amount of slaughter-ready hogs increases for much of September, October, and much of November. Nevertheless, the number of backlogged hogs in the third and fourth quarters of 2020 are expected to be less than 30% of the levels seen in the second quarter of 2020.

Iowa Ethanol Gross Production Margin in 2020 – Impacts of COVID-19

In the past three months, we have been through a unique and difficult situation due to the COVID-19 virus. Because of the pandemic, the demand for gasoline dropped dramatically, which reached the lowest demand within a couple of decades. This led to the demand for ethanol decreasing significantly. We analyzed and updated this series article that was previously done in the summer of 2019, which talked about how the Iowa ethanol gross production margin (GPM) behaved.

Renewable Diesel Thriving in Credit Generation for California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard

According to the California Air Resources Board, the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is formulated to lower the carbon intensity (CI) of California's transportation fuel pool and to offer a growing selection of low-carbon and renewable alternatives. CI is measured in terms of grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per megajoule of energy (gCO2e per MJ). The program has set a declining annual target in the CI of California's transportation fuel pool. The 2020 target is a 7.5% reduction relative

What’s New in the Scientific Report Released for the New Dietary Guidelines for 2020-2025?

Every five years since 1980, the USDA updates the dietary guidelines which are primarily used by health professionals and nutritionists for the general public aged two and above. These guidelines inform nutrition programs, health policies, and more. Much of the guidelines have remained the same over the years, such as recommending increasing consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, low- or non-fat dairy, lean meat, and poultry.

What Has Cynthia Been Up to Since Joining the DIS Team?

As I began my spring semester at Iowa State University, I never imagined finishing up my junior year and finding an internship virtually. I am extremely grateful I had the opportunity to join the team at DIS without ever meeting anyone in person. It's crazy to think that I've been with the DIS crew for over 3 months! It's a completely different world than I thought it could be. We have learned what virtual communication can do for a business, and it will be fascinating to see where this path of

Catching Up on Aquaculture IV

This is the last of my updates on aquaculture. I have been sharing my observations on the status and trends of the industry. For my final update I would like to focus the current environment and opportunities for U.S. aquaculture.

2020 Net Farm Income Projected to Increase

This blog article looks at the details surrounding forecast 2020 U.S. net farm income, how it compares to other years from 2013-2019 as well as what the drivers of net farm income are this year. A look at Iowa compared to the U.S.

Dynamic Risk-Based Modeling™, a Timely DIS Service

Identifying, quantifying and maintaining historical relationships among variables allows DIS to develop projections that provide our clients decision-making tools that help them understand how their risk appetite corresponds to certain levels of quantified risk associated with various defined scenarios.

Ethanol, Biodiesel, and Renewable Diesel Contribution to Oregon’s Clean Fuels Program

Oregon Clean Fuels Program (Oregon CFP) was launched in 2016 by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. The program intends to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases generated during production, processing, transportation, and consumption (i.e., life cycle) of fuels used in the Oregon transportation sector. According to Oregon Department of Energy, the transportation sector accounts for about one-third of the state energy use.