Economic Contributions of Minnesota Agriculture and Forestry
The results of this study indicate that although there have been challenging times in the agriculture, agri-food, and forestry industry, it is still a significant part of Minnesota’s economy, supporting about 1 in every 10 jobs across Minnesota.
This study is based on a combination of the USDA 2017 Census of Agriculture, USDA/NASS datasets, and the IMPLAN modeling system and data (2018). This analysis is patterned after other Agriculture Economic Contribution Studies completed by Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS) for the States of Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, and South Dakota.
In 2020, agriculture, agri-food, forestry, and related industries in Minnesota are estimated to contribute:
- $37.1 billion in total value added
- 388,134 jobs
- $105.6 billion in output (sales)
- $21.4 billion in household income
Of the $37.1 billion in total value added and 388,134 jobs from the agriculture, agri-food, forestry, and related economic activity:
Crop production and related industries contributed:
- $8.7 billion in value added
- 84,648 jobs
Livestock production and related industries contributed:
- $9.9 billion in value added
- 126,218 jobs
Forestry production and related industries contributed:
- $7.3 billion in value added
- 67,956 jobs
Processing & other agriculture and related industries contributed:
- $11.1 billion in value added
- 109,312 jobs